Talks and Publications 

Talks and Interviews

  • My talk at CCS2020 on december 7, 2020, link 
  • My talk at  the SISFA conference in Messina (Italy)  on october 3, 2018, link
  • My talk at  Trivago Academy in Dusseldorf on may 16, 2018, link
  • Intervento a Omnibus su La7 del 6 maggio 2018  link
  • Intervista su Rai Radio1 nella trasmissione "Gioco a premier" del 7 maggio 2018,  link
  • Intervento in diretta a Radio 3 Scienza “Il caso e la capacità” del 6 marzo 2018,  link
  • Intervento in diretta  a  Rai 3 nel programma  Geo del 21 settembre 2017,  link
  • Pdf of my talk at the debate on Sq Statistics held at ICTP in Trieste the 6th of August 2006



Abbiamo vinto l'Ig Nobel con il Principio di Peter. Scienza, Caso e Humor

A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda, C. Garofalo

Malcor'D Edizione (2017)  (Libreria Universitaria) (Amazon online)


DEMOCRAZIA A SORTE Ovvero la sorte della democrazia

M. Caserta , C. Garofalo , A. Pluchino , A. Rapisarda , S. Spagano

Malcor'D Edizione (2012) (Amazon online)




"CTNEXT07 - Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensvity", International conference, satellite of STAPHYS23, 1-5 July 2007, Catania (Sicily), Italy. Eds. S. Abe, H. Herrmann, P. Quarati, A. Rapisarda, C. Tsallis, AIP Conference Proceedings 965 (2007)

"EMC2006 - Ettore Majorana's legacy and the Physics of the XXI century", International conference in commemoration of the centennial of Majorana's birth, 5-6 October 2006, Catania (Sicily), Italy. Eds. P. Castorina, F. Catara, E. Migneco, S. Lo Nigro, F. Porto, A. Rapisarda, E. Rimini,Proceedings of Science (2006) (online)

Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity", 31st workshop of the international school of Solid State Physics, 20-26 July 2004, Erice, Sicily. Eds. C. Beck, G. Benedek, A. Rapisarda and C. Tsallis, The Science and Culture Series—Physics, World Scientific (2005)

"Non Extensive Thermodynamics and Physical applications", Giorgio Kaniadakis, Marcello Lissia, Andrea Rapisarda Eds. Physica A volume 305, Issue 1-2, March 1, 2002


Citations and h-index --- Curriculum Vitae

Recent papers


  • "Inequalities, chance and success in sport competitions: simulations vs empirical data",  P. Sobkowicz, R. H. Frank, A. E. Biondo, A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda,  2019, submitted.



      • "A simplified model based on self-organised criticality framework for the seismic assessment of urban areas", A. Greco, A. Pluchino, L. Barbarossa, I. Caliò, F. Martinico, Rapisarda A. (2018).  In: (a cura di): Margani G. Rodonò G. Sapienza V., Proceedings of the Seismic and Energy Renovation for Sustainable Cities International Conference. vol. 1, p. 57-68, MONFALCONE:EdicomEdizioni, ISBN: 978-88-96386-56-9
      • "Testing Demand Responsive Shared Transport Services via Agent-Based Simulations", G. Inturri,  N. Giuffrida, M. Ignaccolo, M. Le Pira, A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda, in "New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems", Springer (2018).



        • "Exploring demand responsive shared transport services under different vehicle dispatching rules via agent-based simulations", M.Le Pira, N.Giuffrida, G.Inturri, M.Ignaccolo, A.Pluchino, A.Rapisarda,  (2017) submitted








            • "L'efficienza del caso", A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda, C. Garofalo, S. Spagano, M. Caserta, Le Scienze,  533 Gennaio (2013)  86.








              Click on the following link for the Java applet with the agent based simulation

















                  • "New universal aspects of diffusion in strongly chaotic systems", M. Robnik, J. Dobnikar, A. Rapisarda, T. Prosen and M. Petkovsek, Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 30 (1997) L803.


                  • "Universal features in the nuclear multifragmentation phase transitions", A. Atalmi, M. Baldo, G.F. Burgio and A. Rapisarda, Proceedings of the 1st CRIS conference, Aci Castello (Italy), may 1996, World Scientific (1996).
                  • "Dynamical chaos and critical behavior in Vlasov simulations of nuclear multifragmentation", A. Atalmi, M. Baldo, G.F. Burgio and A. Rapisarda, Proceedings of the XXXIV International winter meeting Bormio (1996), ed. I. Iori.
                  • "Chaos vs. linear instability: a fractal analysis characterization", A. Atalmi, M. Baldo, G.F. Burgio and A. Rapisarda, Physical Review C 53 (1996) 2556.



                  • "Non-linear mean field dynamics in the nuclear spinodal zone", G.F.Burgio, M. Baldo and A. Rapisarda, Phys. Lett. B321, 307 (1994).
                  • "Cross section fluctuations and chaoticity in heavy-ion dynamics", A. Rapisarda, Conference Proceedings vol.38 "Perspectives in Heavy-ion Physics", p. 211, eds. M. Di Toro and E. Migneco, Editrice Compositori Bologna (1993).


                  • "Chaotic scattering in heavy-ion reactions", M. Baldo, E.G. Lanza and A. Rapisarda, Chaos 3, (1993) 691.
                  • "Transfer reactions below the Coulomb barrier", D.R. Napoli, H. Moreno Gonzalez, G. Pollarolo, A.M. Stefanini, S. Beghini, B. Million, G. Montagnoli, M. Narayanasamy, G. Prete, A. Rapisarda, F. Scarlassara, G.F. Segato, C. Signorini, F. Soramel, P. Spolaore, Zi Chang Li, Nuclear Physics A 553, (1993) 731c.
                  • "Revealing intermittency in nuclear multifragmentation with 4pi detectors", M. Baldo, A. Causa and A. Rapisarda, Physical Review C 48, (1993) 2520.
                  • "Sub-barrier transfer reactions of 32S + 64Ni", D.R.Napoli, A.M.Stefanini, H.Moreno Gonzalez, B.Million, G.Prete, P.Spolaore, M. Narayanasamy, Zi Chang Li, S.Beghini, G.Montagnoli, F.Scarlassara, G.F.Segato, C.Signorini, F.Soramel, G.Pollarolo and A. Rapisarda, Nuclear Physics A 559, (1993) 443.


                  • "Chaos in heavy-ion dynamics at low energy ", M. Baldo, E.G. Lanza and A. Rapisarda, Nuclear Physics A 545, (1992) 467c.
                  • "Fluctuating excitation functions in heavy-ion collisions as evidence of quantum chaos", M. Baldo and A. Rapisarda, Physics Letters B 284, (1992) 205.
                  • "Quantum analog of classical chaos in heavy-ion collisions", M. Baldo and A. Rapisarda, Physics Letters B 279, (1992) 10.
